Hey there,
I'm Entix!

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About Me

profile picture entix

You might be thinking to yourself 'what an interesting name'. Well, actually my name is João Martinho and I'm a 26 year old marketeer / photographer / designer turned developer from Lisbon, Portugal.

Entix is this persona I created that allows me to have more freedom and creativity when working online. It gives me that edge that otherwise I'm afraid João couldn't achieve.

The name ENTIX comes from the word 'antics'. It's just the same word but as I interpreted it phonetically back when I started learning English. Nowadays, I use the name to turn every project and endeavour into an ENTIX project - fun and twisted in a creative and light-hearted way.

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"I'm not a jack of all trades; I'm a master of many.
I don't feel there is anything I can't do if I want to."
- Evel Knievel



Personal Portfolio made mostly with HTML, CSS, SCSS, and a bit of javascript.

Source Code View Project


HTML Form of a fun little game.

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Basic HTML table

Source Code View Project


Hit me up if you'd like a quote or have an idea you'd like made true.

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